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Here is a quick troubleshooting list when you can’t seem to retreive a network license for your Autodesk product using FlexLM. • Make sure your license manager (LM) server is running. • Check to make sure the machine is on. • Check to make sure the network cable is plugged in. • Check to make sure the service is running.
The Autodesk network installation has several methods to determine the Autodesk License Manager. These are the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE registry key LM_LICENSE_FILE variable licpath.lic file and License Finder dialog box configuration. Licpath.lic autocad 2004 download. Pcanywhere 10.5 windows 7 download. Download microsoft visual studio 2008 express dreamweaver download entire. Minecraft pe mods ios no jailbreak.
• Re-read the license if necessary. • Confirm the NAME of the LM (to be used later). • Open Internet Explorer (Do not use Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc). • In the address bar, enter the hostname of your license manager, prefixed with and the port numbers 2080 and 27000 on the end (for example: and ) • You should get a response in Internet Explorer that looks like the image on the left here: If you do not get a response like this, it will say something like “Host cannot be reached” – in this case, your LM is not running. • Make sure that your PC can access the LM. • Make sure you can ping the LM.
Go to Start>Run, type in CMD. At the Command Prompt, type in PING MYLM (where MYLM is the name of your LM). You are looking for a response like this: Reply from bytes=32 time.