Adobe After Effects Cc 2014 Serial Number List

Adobe After Effects Cc 2014 Serial Number List 4,3/5 795 reviews

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The following controls are available for the Detail-preserving Upscale effect: • Fit To Comp Width: Sets Scale percentage so that the layer's width matches the composition's width. • Fit To Comp Height: Sets Scale percentage so that the layer's height matches the compositions's height. • Scale: The minimum value is 100%. • Reduce Noise: Used to apply noise reduction before the scaling calculations. Increase the value so that noise is not mistakenly treated as a detail that should be preserved. • Detail: High values increase the sharpness or contrast of edges; however ringing or halo artifacts may be introduced.

Low values of Detail keep the edges more smooth and natural. • Alpha: Processes the alpha channel differently from the color channels. You can choose to process the alpha channel differently than the color channels, for performance reasons. The default is Bicubic.


Adobe After Effects Cc 2014 Serial Number Serial Numbers. Convert Adobe After Effects Cc 2014 Serial Number trail version to full software. Adobe AfterEffects CC 2014 Serial Number is one of the useful applications of Adobe System which main function is to add visual effects to your videos.