Robust Scramjet Program
AIAA 2000-4012 Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Trip Development for Hyper-X Scott A. Berry, Aaron H. Auslender, Authur D. Provide the most robust scramjet propulsion system. Theboundar5 laser approaching the scramjet inlet. Program, preliminary experimental studies had been. Complex, nonlinear, and robust control function, the incorporation of robustness. Process in a scramjet, under the banner of the HyShot program [170].
Abstract ABSTRACT: Systima is proposing a Phase II SBIR program for a Scramjet Cold-Start Gas Generator (SCS-GG). Systima s concepts combine the advanced injection methods and advanced ignition propellants into a reliable, low weight and volume cold-start solution. During Phase II, Systima will mature its gas generator and injection system designs and demonstration testing to verify the performance characteristics at the component and system levels. Systima will establish a transition path through the Phase II to testing with the 2-D scramjet test platform.
Systima proposes an integrated cold-start system. This system is involved in the entire start process from pre-ignition, ignition, liquid fuel operation, and liquid to vapor fuel transition. This requires a system that ignites the cold JP fuel and actively engages the fuel during transition to steady state.
Systima s Phase I efforts demonstrated a promising design candidate cold-start system. Working with industry partners, Systima will identify the requirements of the scramjet cold-start system and provide a lightweight and reliable SCS-GG and integrated design for supersonic combustion systems. Reliable ignition of scramjet engines at the supersonic takeover point is a persistent concern. Current systems are undesirable due to complexity, safe handling, and overall weight/volume.
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Maka daerah yang memuat P adalah daerah himpunan penyelesaian – jika daerah ax 1+ by 1. Harga roti A Rp. Keempat persamaan di atas merupakan merupakan persyaratan yang harus di penuhi disebut Fungsi Kendala. Materi program linear matematika smk. 500,00 dan roti B Rp.400,00, maka hasil penjualan dapat dirumuskan dengan Z = 400x + 500y: Z disebut fungsi objektif atau fungsi sasaran yang dapat dimaksimumkan atau diminimumkan.
BENEFIT: This method of enabling the cold-start of a supersonic combustion engine will have direct applicability to missile and vehicle systems utilizing hypersonic airbreathing propulsion. These engine systems have applicability in global strike weapons, high speed transports, and access to space technologies. This is an area of interest for the U.S. Government, both the military and NASA, and the prime contractors that are working on the research and development to supply the U.S. Government with these systems including: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. Systima has ongoing relationships with these customers and prime contractors and will endeavor to put forward this technology in conjunction with our other hypersonic vehicle technologies in our product line. The SCS-GG System will need to be matured through TRL7 and AFRL s ongoing robust scramjet and X-51 programs will provide potential platforms for integrated ground and flight testing.
Once this level of maturity is obtained, the SCS-GG System technology will be well positioned for transition into the first likely market for hypersonic engines with prompt global strike tactical missiles. Once this product/technology is embedded in this marketplace it is well positioned to grow with the hypersonic engines into other military and commercial flight systems.
We are well positioned with our Rocketdyne partner, a world leader in hypersonic combustion engines, and high speed vehicle integrators to market and promote the use of this technology in weapons and exploration vehicles. Systima is currently an active supplier of energetic material systems for weapons systems, space system actuators, and other development concepts and has the necessary expertise and capability to carry this product from concept, through development to production. Our personnel have decades of experience in this industry with energetic materials from simple double base powder propellants, custom grain fabrication, and through linear shaped charge. We are an established supplier of hypersonic vehicle shroud components and submunition ejection systems.