Mysql Odbc Driver Windows Server 2003
The key question is whether your ODBC client executable -- the thing that's going to load the driver library and use the data -- is 32-bit or 64-bit. 64-bit Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, Server 2008, and all other variants to date) supports both 32-bit and 64-bit binary executables/libraries. 32-bit executables (usually found in Program Files (x86)) can only use 32-bit drivers; 64-bit executables (usually found in Program Files) can only use 64-bit drivers. Once you've figured that part out, you have to install a matching 32-bit or 64-bit driver for MySQL, and configure it with the right ODBC Administrator. The 32-bit ODBC Administrator is counterintuitively found at C: Windows SysWow64 odbcad32.exe, and the 64-bit ODBC Administrator is likewise counterintuitively found at C: Windows System32 odbcad32.exe.
(Yes, both are named odbcad32 and the directory names suggest the other bitness -- but what I've just said is accurate.) For more on this, you can read posted on my 's website Note that for added fun, Microsoft's ODBC driver manager (the MDAC) has a bug in that -- even though these mis-matches cannot work together. For this reason, I strongly recommend using only System DSNs in any environment that may have a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit executables/drivers/DSNs. 'The 32-bit Administrator IS found in SysWow64, and the 64-bit Administrator IS found in System32.
– TallTed May 5 '14 at 16:19' So I ended hell week by following Ted's simple statement. Probability and statistics. I opened this well-concealed 32 bit exe and Wah La!
Installing the MySql ODBC driver on Windows. If you run MS Office 2003 or a prior version, it most problably is a 32bit release. If you are using MS.
All the drivers I couldn't see till then were ready and willing to go to work. They had even survived several faux de-installs!
I'm on an iMac running Windows 7 Ultimate on Parallels 10. The MS Access app was built on a Win7 only machine which I was able to link to MySQL by virtue of the random monkey toolset. I was not so lucky on this machine. If Ted's factoid will work on this IMac, it will work anywhere. Btw: It turns out I do have both 32 and 64 bit drivers, Unicode, etc--all three. I am not prepared to sort that one out.:0.
Using SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC with the MySQL ODBC Driver (version 5.1.7) results in the return of only one row of data. A count shows multiple rows, but neither a DATA step nor an SQL procedure returns more than the first row of data. Workarounds • Move to a later release of the MySQL ODBC driver such as 5.1.8 where the problem appears to be corrected. • Revert back to a previous version of the MySQL ODBC driver. The problem does not appear when you use version 5.1.6 or earlier.
• If moving to an earlier release is not an option, you can also use dynamic cursors. Enabling dynamic cursors is a two-part step: • Set the dynamic-cursor option on the driver, as follows: • In Windows environments: • Open the ODBC Administrator and select or create your MySQL data source name (DSN). • Click Details to expand the options. • Choose the Cursors/Results tab. • Enable (check) the Enable dynamic cursors option. • In UNIX environments: • Open the odbc.ini file for editing.
• Add OPTION=32 or DYNAMIC_CURSOR=1 to the appropriate MySQL DSN section. • Add the CURSOR_TYPE= option to your LIBNAME statement to enable dynamic cursors, as follows.
Libname mytest odbc dsn=MySQL_DSN user= user-id password= password cursor_type=dynamic; Note: If performance is affected negatively, you might need to use the READBUFF= option.
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