Cod Waw Custom Zombie Maps Pcp

Cod Waw Custom Zombie Maps Pcp 4,0/5 8006 reviews

BO2 Hijacked MediaFire Link Created by: FinalKill9175 My review above pretty much sums up the map but here is a features list to give you more details. List of Features: -BO1 & BO2 Perks -BO1 & BO2 Ported Weapons -Buildable Power -Random Starting Weapon -Double Pack-a-punch -Custom Powerups + FX by FinalKill9175 -Weather (Rain) -A new system of rounds (Hijacked Rounds) -100,000 Point Ending -Double Tap 2.0 (And correct model+shaders) -A custom perk ~Tomikaze If you have any questions, comments or any of the links are broken please me.

Apr 10, 2015 - More about build gaming play call duty world war custom zombies maps fast video. Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-10 14:20 EDT-0400.

To celebrate, he throws a party at the ranch, with everyone in town invited. The group trashes a casino to finish the park and top off the buzz for the video, earning enough to buy the park. Leaving the casino they are met by the police. The player arrives to the completed American Wasteland, which Iggy now owns. The player manages to evade them, skating through the city back to the ranch. Hawk