Chanel Bag Serial Numbers

Chanel Bag Serial Numbers 4,7/5 1639 reviews

Chanel Serial Numbers designer vault strives to ensure all of our chanel pieces are authentic and this guide can help authenticate items. Beginning in 1986, Chanel began incorporating serial numbers into the interior of their handbags.

Here, we are going to introduce our shopping guide on ebay which has 10000+ reviewer. Title:BUYING AUTHENTIC CHANEL.

YOU NEEDS HOLOGRAM STICKER? 1.Why buyers judge the authenticity only with the Hologram stickers? Thank you for visiting our GUIDE. We had to write this guide because there are too much buyers who easily judge the authenticity by their selves without expertise.First of all, not all CHANEL purses have serial number stickers inside the bag. Sometimes the don't. There are people who call control number, hologram sticker.etc. Here, we call the sticker as SERIAL NUMBER STICKER to explain.

For example,VINTAGE CHANEL PURSES, PURSES WITH NEW LINING, UNUSUAL PURSES sometimes have no serial number stickers. Chanel purse made from naked material, strings, or metal doesn't have hologram sticker sometimes. Also it is said that many women in France remove the stickers after they purchase the bag because the the sticker get sticky. They knows that the serial number is not for authentication.

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If you take the bag to CHANEL and ask them for replacing lining, they will remove the original lining with serial number sticker and put new lining with no serial number sticker. And they will give you the old lining with serial number stickers upon your request. But, if you are buying pre - owned purses, sometimes previous owner has lost the old lining.And the bag no longer has serial number stickers inside the bag. If you ask CHANEL about the serial number sticker, they will say, 'it is not SERIAL, not a proof of authenticity' CHANEL shop attendants always say that the sticker is the control number for CHANEL.

And they will say, not all CHANEL purses has control numbers. When they manufacture their bags, they have to identify each items for their record purpose. CHANEL never judge the authenticity in boutique.

They always judge the authenticity at CHANEL REPAIR FACTORY. Chanel craftsman only judge the authenticity. If the bag is fake, they will say, 'this is not the product by CHANEL, so we can't accept repairing' They will repair the bags without serial number stickers if the bag is authentic. Very long time ago, CHANEL purses have no serial numbers inside the bags. But to prevent stolen from factory, they started to intact the serial numbers inside the bags. It is not for authentication.

It is just to identify the item. Please do not judge the authenticity only with the serial number stickers.

These years, 'SUPER COPY FAKE ' bags have serial number stickers and matching cards. So it is too dangerous to judge the authenticity only with the stickers. HOW TO SPOT FAKES?

We have seen thousands, thousands of CHANEL purses. And judged the authenticity. To spot fakes, you need enough expertise including fakes.

People who don't know about FAKE bags well can't judge the authenticity. The best way is Asking to expert.

If you have seen hundreds of CHANEL purses in your life and enough expertise, you easily can judge the authenticity. But if you do not have enough expertise, you can't judge the authenticity by yourself. All information on internet is not enough.