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Overview The following error occurs in the Orion Web Console: Polling rate limit exceeded! Add an additional poller to continue at your current polling intervals This warning is displayed whenever your SolarWinds installation has determined that it may be experiencing an excessive polling load. SolarWinds optimizes monitoring performance by automatically balancing polling rates and polling intervals in heavy polling environments.

To accomplish this balance, when required, SolarWinds automatically extends configured polling intervals to decrease the overall polling rate in your environment. To determine when this polling rate adjustment should occur and when users should be notified, SolarWinds has established two polling rate thresholds: a polling warning level and a maximum polling limit level. These levels are based on an internal calculation that includes both the number of network objects polled and the configured polling interval. Note: As a result of these polling enhancements, it is no longer necessary for a user to compensate for performance issues by manually setting polling rates higher than required to ensure that data is actually polled as frequently as desired.


All polling jobs will be completed. If the polling rate is more than the server can handle, the polling intervals are automatically increased to handle the higher load. Steps In environments where multiple SolarWinds polling engines are installed, determine the overloaded polling engine as indicated in the following procedure: To determine which polling engine is overloaded: • Log on to your SolarWinds Web Console using an account with administrative privileges. • Click Settings in the top right corner of the web console. • Click Polling Engines in the Details group.

• Review the information provided on the Polling Engines view to determine the source(s) of your excess polling load. If the polling rate has reached or exceeded 85% of the server's maximum polling rate, a Poller Status Warning is displayed in the web console. If the measured polling rate reaches the server's maximum polling rate (100%), configured polling intervals are automatically adjusted to decrease the polling rate. You have two options for addressing polling rate issues: • If you need to continue monitoring all currently monitored nodes, install and configure one or more additional polling engines. For more information, see ' in your product's administrator guide. • If you can delete some nodes from monitoring or if you do not need to continue monitoring some nodes on the current polling interval, you may be able to restore previous polling intervals by removing nodes from monitoring, as indicated in the following procedure. To decrease the polling rate in your environment: Note: It may take upwards of 10-20 minutes to see the results of any polling adjustments.

• Log in to the Orion Web Console using an account with administrative privileges. • Click Settings in the top right corner of the view. • Click Manage Nodes in the Node & Group Management grouping of the Orion Website Administration view. • Do either of the following: • If there are nodes for which monitoring is less of a priority, select them and then extend their polling intervals (increase the time between polls). • If there are nodes for which monitoring is not a priority, delete the nodes themselves or delete monitored network objects on these lower-priority nodes.