Adaptec Slimscsi 1460D Xp Driver

Adaptec Slimscsi 1460D Xp Driver 4,3/5 2921 reviews

Oct 7, 2006 - The scanner and SlimSCSI work fine on my A30p under Windows XP, but the T60p with Windows XP, fails to find a driver for the SlimSCSI. This utility contains the only official version for Adaptec SlimSCSI 16-Bit PCMCIA SCSI Host Adapter Driver for Windows XP/7/Vista/8/8.1/10 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Answer ID 515 Published 08:14 AM Updated 07:08 AM What Operating Systems are supported with the SlimSCSI cards APA-1460 and APA-1480? Is there a DOS or Windows 3.1 driver available for the APA-1480 CardBus SCSI card? This information applies to the following Operating System(s): - MS-DOS 4.x, 5.x, 6.x - Microsoft Windows 3.1 - Microsoft Windows 95 - Microsoft Windows 98 - Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 - Microsoft Windows CE 2.0 Note: This article was written about discontinued products for which Adaptec no longer offers support. Therefore, this article is offered 'as is' and will no longer be updated. The Adaptec APA-1480 CardBus card is only supported in 32-bit operating systems such as Windows 95, 98, and NT 4 because these are the only Operating Systems that have drivers available for the CardBus socket that supports the 1480.

Microsoft provides built in driver support in Windows 95 and 98. Drivers from a 3rd party source are required to support the CardBus chipset under Windows NT 4. No DOS and Windows 3.1 drivers are available for CardBus chipsets necessary to support the Adaptec APA-1480, it cannot be used in DOS as a route to a backup device such as a tape drive, CD ROM, or external Hard Drive. Game gundam pc. The Adaptec APA-1460 PCMCIA card is supported in all operating systems listed above. Note: the Adaptec APA-1460 PCMCIA card is supported in DOS but the PCMCIA socket drivers must be loaded before the DOS installation program (DOSINST) that came with the APA-1460, can see the SlimSCSI card. Once the 'DOS Card and Socket Services' are loading via the Config.sys, the DOSINST program should detect the APA-1460 card. Drivers, product specifications, and documentation for the APA-1460 and APA-1480 cards are available at See for support in later versions of Windows (i.e.

Windows XP and Vista).